Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Pulau Payar is located 30 km from the south of the main island and you can go to this beautiful and serene island from Langkawi island.

However as for me and my brother and my father's friends, we straight away went to Pulau Payar from a jetty near Kota Kuala Muda (sorry but i cannot remember the name of the jetty).

The small yet useful jetty


Some of the amazing views along the way to Pulau Payar

We took a boat to Pulau Payar and after 1-2 hours of struggling with the wind and bot laju and ayaq laut, we arrived at the lovely Pulau Payar. Yayyy

The beauty of nature

The water was sooo pretty and blue-like-crystal-clear. Subhanallah sangat cantik and i was totally fall in love with the scenary. ❤

After buncitkan our stomach and performed the Zuhur prayer, we wait for no more time because it's SNORKELING TIME!

Honestly, this was my first time snorkeling and to make things more interesting, i'm not good at swimming but yahh why not?

Let's bring the water on! (Adrenaline rush sungguh waktu ni)

At first, my father's friends showed us how to adapt with the water so at least we were not going to panic IF anything happened but Alhamdulillah everything was so neat and nice.

u can see the fishes clearly wuu

Bloop bloop

You can also see baby sharks, beautiful corals and unique fishes even at the shore!

After few hours of snorkeling, we then rest for a while and then snorkeling balik! 

We just never get tired of seeing the underwater life and i did felt the difference when i was in the water. It felt like I entered another world which is so beautiful and quiet . The silent-ness under the water make me appreciate and amazed with Allah's creations. 

Seriously guys, just try at least once.

You know, actually it is okay to be scared at first but sooner or later the word 'scared' will be nothing for you. 

Do not afraid of taking your first step. Keep moving and just enjoy !


You have to always remember that when we are entering other's place, there must be rules and regulation so don't take it easy, okay! 


⧫ Bring LOTS of mineral water or at least clean water because there is no clean water at all . Yes, there are toilet however they only can provide you with the sea water  because Pulau Payar is AN ISLAND so it is so hard to get clean water.

⧫ Bring extra big and wide clothes (kain batik or anything) just in case if you want to get change because Pulau Payar is widely known all over the world so banyak gila tourists yang datang so sometimes there will be a traffic inside the toilet.

⧫ Bring your own foods (in case if you get hungry after a long tiring snorkeling) but they do sell foods over there. 


⧫ Do respects the underwater life , okay! Do not harm them by stepping on the corals and fishes.

⧫ Do respects the staff, okay! They are human being so they also have feeling just like us.


⧫ Do not step on the corals!

⧫Do not throw rubbish dekat laut!

⧫Do not just simply change your clothes in front of public because based on my experiences, usually some tourists will simply buka baju and salin with no shame at all. *OMG. Have some respects towards the nature and people.

⧫Do not catch the fish and bring them back to your home!

So, it was a nice experiences and i really want to go snorkeling again haaa ❤

After all, enjoy!
Bye bye and peace.

Stories : KMPP III

Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Let's continue our last post about KMPP!


There are many facilities provided but one thing you have to keep in mind is that KMPP is one of the oldest matriculation in Malaysia so of course the facilities are in so-so condition but for sure, you can still use it.

So we have 

♢Bicycles (unfortunately, i'd never ride a bicycle because i was too lazy to go down)
♢Basketball court
♢Football court
♢Badminton court ( dalam dewan alFarabi)
♢Tennis court

The prohibited love at astaka (euw geli)

Extra :

You can also bring 

- mini standing fan because SOMETIMES the room can be a little bit hot than usual (but i don't have one pun because kalau panas i will simply baring tengah bilik)

- selotape or penyembur Serai to get rid of abang Li (it's a small creature named charlie)


Memang banyak aktiviti and program dijalankan throughout the 10 months and i really really recommend you to join each of this program . It's going to be such a waste if you just being a lone ranger because all these kind of activities memang best dan tak boleh dirasai dekat tempat lain.

so, for 2016/17 in KMPP, we had


KAKOM is something like Sukan SEA but it is between matriculation's students only.
So if you used to be an athlete at your former high school, you can join any sports that you want to.

Larian KAKOM (tak lari pun because the road was too busy with people)


MEMORI stand for Minggu Evolusi Minda Optimis Remaja dan minggu ni ada food festival and competition that related to dakwah and etc. Oh the gimmick was incredible man!

♢ Pesta Tanglung

Pesta Tanglung was handled by Chinese students of KMPP and it was sooo awesome guys !
Unfortunately i did not took any picture during the pesta. So sorry hee.

♢ Pratyaksha

Pratyaksha was a festival that introduced us to the Indian's cultural and it was handled by Indian students of KMPP and it was sooooo much fun. Seriously, it was soo awesome! 

The decoration was 5 stars!

♢ KMPP's Got Talent

Haa so for this one, you get to show off your hidden skills to others and actually it was kinda fun to know that this or that person can do something beyond our expectation.

Sorry but i don't have any picture because i was too busy eating ayam gunting #sissukamakan

♢ Mai Fest

This one was also my favorite because i get to eat sushi huhu (Akak mengidam haa). Mai Fest was something similar with night market which students were allowed to sell anything that they want to.

♢ Hari Kemerdekaan 

The Independence's celebration was held mostly inside the Dewan AlFarabi (the competitions and stuff) however hmm honestly the spirit of  'Yayy sambutan Merdeka!' was not too strong as we did in high school (no more lagu buruh nelayan dan juga petani) but yea it was a nice experience.

♢ Festival Sains

Yayyy  this one was totally my favorite because this was the first time i got to donate my blood and dissect rat. There were also many others activities such as jualan makanan, games, mini zoo and banyaklahh.

Meet Sasi and Luvin da withches

Mr Macho 

♢ Carboot Sale

As i mention in the previous post, we did two carboot sale and these carboot sale were the first in KMPP *so proud . Carboot sale ni actually adalah jualan used items such as pakaian, books, and many more  and all of the items were from the students and lecturers sendiri . 

The best part was 10% from the profit diberikan kepada yang lebih memerlukan so walaa,  you get two ; new baju and pahala.

Rindu Miss Zaity and Miss Nadiah

I think there's more but i just could not recall everything however for this year we did not celebrate Eid Mubarak macam dulu dulu hmm.


When i first packed before i entered KMPP, i prepared 3-5 abaya and avant-garde baju -..- however it turns out that we are not allowed to wear any kind of abaya pun haha *siskecewa  but you do can wear any updated baju kurung *kebaya ka, bk pahang ka, bk moden ka, peplum ka boleh jaa

Our common outfits every weekdays

and for boys ; kemeja with tie and slack or fully set of baju Melayu . That's it!


One word to describe the lecturers ; INCREDIBLE

Yes, they are awesome and may Allah ease the journey of the lecturers of KMPP. Ameen

Alhamdulillah Yes!

I am finally done with everything and now let's gear up for the upcoming surprises and new journeys!

Thank you Abah for always be ready with your inspiring words and supports
Thank you Umi for every bits of your love
Thank you kakak for always call me and tell me your love stories with abg man *hew hew
Thank you Abang for the supporting message you gave me
Thank you Bangteh for always respond to my silly yet pretty pictures
Thank you Dikmi for always be my baby-bully boy
Thank you Aisya for being the matured girl
Thank you Kakcik for being my forever idol.

Thank you Allah for all the blessing You gave me. Alhamdulillah

peace and bye bye❤

Stories : KMPP II

Assalamualaikum and Hello❤


So as i promise earlier, i'll be going to introduce you more about matriculation and precisely more about KMPP because i am a freshly graduated from KMPP just 2 days ago *fliptudung

Let's get it started !


So basically we have 2 types of programme 

‣Pogram Satu Tahun
‣Program Dua Tahun (we don't have PDT for Account students)

and 2 types of module which are


and as for Science, we have 3 types of module which are

Module 1 or H - H stand for hayat which means that you will learn the pure science                                 subject (Bio,Phys, Chem) + Maths

Module 2 or F  - F stand for Fizikal which obviously you will learn the pure Science                                   subject except for Biology and it will be replaced with the Science                                 Computer's subject + Maths

Module 3 or K - You will learn the pure Science subjects except for Physics and it                                  will be replaced with the Science Comp's subject + Maths

One interesting fact is that mostly budak hayat adalah yang paling skema dan suka cakap sorang sorang sambil berjalan (heee I'm one of them).  
Budak Fizik pula ada banyak budak hot *omg dan diorang lah yang paling sporting dan hingaq.
Budak K pula mostly sopan santun dan yang very lemah lembut dan humble.
Budak account paling banyak gegirls yang lawa , cun and diorang lah (for me) paling fashionable.

And seriously, sometimes you can just simple guess either this or that person is from which module just by looking at their attitudes.

Oh, by the way, you will also learn the Pendidikan Islam or Pendidikan Moral subject, English and Kemahiran Dinamika.

The best part is that you will never have to sit for exam for this three subjects *oh yeaaa but yes, you still have to answer the quizzes *tak susah pun

and lastly we also have Kokurikulum (or more likely to be known as " it's the time to chill " ).

There are many clubs that you can choose and as for me, i was in the Sport Injury's Club.

The Squad


Yayyy. my favorite part! 

So i was in this beautiful, charmingful, perfectful and others -ful H2P13/14. Ahhh. really no words can ever describe how gorgeous they are. Seriously guys, for those out there that used to had a bad relationship and communication with your classmates, memang rugi ahh. Be nice to each other because they will be your life partner for the next 10 months.


Tutorial : It's the time to do some homeworks and revision inside the class (kinda                                   similar to our high school class) 

Amali : It's the time for some chemical experiments and  tangkap gambar feeling                       macam doktor sebenar (i also did the same thing hmmm)

Meet the three musketeers or should i say four?

Meet the drama queens

Lecture : Your first source to get the knowledge inside the lecture hall however it is
                 so hard to stay awake for the whole lecture *omg  and usually the first 15                            minutes will be the most productive minutes but the rest 45 minutes  #sobsob

Extra classes : Here in KMPP, we have extra day and night classes depend on the                                    lecturer but we do have extra night classes according to our results                                  such as Brilliant, Ukhwah and others.


There are three types of hostel which are

‣ A (for girls)
‣ B (for girls)
‣ C (for boys)

and each hostel consist of  5 kompel or building and each kompel have their own names. (i only know my kompel's name which is Sri Dahlia)

For the past 10 months, i stayed at A4.4.3.

• A4 refer to kompel A4 (Sri Dahlia)
• 4 refer to tingkat 4
• 3 refer to room no 3

Yes mann, my room was on the 4th floor. Allah. Memang setiap kali nak balik bilik rasa macam nak terbang ja haa dahtu bila kalut kalut then baru sedar tertinggal barang sebelum masuk kelas fuhh #sisredha.

However Alhamdulillah Allah is the best planner after all because usually, bilik dekat 4th floor are not fully occupied and as for mine, there were only 5 rooms yg ada students so we don't really have to fight for the toilet and yes, we were so close among the levelmates.

My forever favorite spot

Chipped In! - Part 2

 Assalamualaikum and Hello❤ Hye beautiful people of the world! Alhamdullillah, cukup 14 hari selepas dos vaksin saya yang kedua! DAN YANG PA...

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