Assalamualaikum and Hello❤
Hye beautiful people of the world!
Welcome back to my blog after a looonngggg time.
Yes. I know it has been quite some time but hehe somehow I've been busy and tired and right now i'm just trying to make excuses lol. Okokok.
How many months has it been since the day I stepped my foot here at USB eh? hmm around 8 months I think and there are LOTS of thing happening here. LIKE BANYAK GILERR.
And one of it is RELATIONSHIP.
Hey guys out there! Don't be shook and disappointed. I am still single lah
*fake laugh with tears sobsob
Hagagagaga okokok 😁
Well, what I'm about to say is not the relationship between
a girl and a boy *sobsob (Google) |
OR this
a girl and Foods = BAE (Google) |
OR this?!
girl and 💲💲 (Google) |
But as a matter of fact, it's a
relationship between a person with the people around her/him.
Why do I have to bother about this celah kuku punya masalah, Aina?
Yes honey, once you enter university's life, you will face this problem no matter how carefree, ignorance and don't-care-whatever-is-happening-around you are.
As I told in my previous writing
here , dental school is not easy.
We faced millions of problems + new things + new experiences + new days with new projects to be done, etc. *
stay tuned for my 'My Gigi Life 2'
I am inspired or should I say eager to write about this matter because I am experiencing this myself at the moment
*well not exactly me having the problem but it does involve me as a batch mates or a friends.
You know, It is hard to know what others' are thinking deep down in their heart, what are they going through in their personal life, what they want us to do as their friends and these all could be the reason why someone is giving up.
I love my friends. Never did I expressed through words nor action but one things that I'll do for people around me is pray which is the least that I could do.
To you out there, bear in your mind that whatever you are going through right now, Allah wants the best for you. Be happy and proud with yourself because nothing will remain easy in this world.
"Semester 2 have been roughed to us. Be patience my dear batch mates. We are just about to begin the war. Do not give up because this is what we aim for - A Dentist."
That's all for now.
Byebye and peace.