Chipped In! - Part 2

 Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Hye beautiful people of the world!

Alhamdullillah, cukup 14 hari selepas dos vaksin saya yang kedua!


haha macam trauma ja demam menggigil macam tu. 
Nevertheless, let me put my journey from my second dose experience, here.

I took my second dose of AZ at the same place as before which was WTCKL and for the 100th time, their system was superb. It took me less than 5 minute for the whole process starting from entering the main door until the moment I was chipped in. CEPAT SANGAT SANGAT.


However, I must say that the most exciting part was meeeyy, checked in hotteelll alone. haha it was a really great experience though. Since I went to KL a day early, I spent the night at a hotel near WTCKL. Like literally sebelah ja. I decided not to spend the night at my sister's house because COVID cases were quite high at that moment and beside, my sister is in her 3rd trimester. SHOOOO, I decided not to expose her and her family with outside vibe sort of.

Alhamdulillah ada rezeki lebih dapat tidur dekat hotel after soooo long and also dapat naik belon. 

I guess, that's that for now.

See you soon blog!

Chipped In! - Part 2

 Assalamualaikum and Hello❤ Hye beautiful people of the world! Alhamdullillah, cukup 14 hari selepas dos vaksin saya yang kedua! DAN YANG PA...

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