Chipped In! - Part 2

 Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Hye beautiful people of the world!

Alhamdullillah, cukup 14 hari selepas dos vaksin saya yang kedua!


haha macam trauma ja demam menggigil macam tu. 
Nevertheless, let me put my journey from my second dose experience, here.

I took my second dose of AZ at the same place as before which was WTCKL and for the 100th time, their system was superb. It took me less than 5 minute for the whole process starting from entering the main door until the moment I was chipped in. CEPAT SANGAT SANGAT.


However, I must say that the most exciting part was meeeyy, checked in hotteelll alone. haha it was a really great experience though. Since I went to KL a day early, I spent the night at a hotel near WTCKL. Like literally sebelah ja. I decided not to spend the night at my sister's house because COVID cases were quite high at that moment and beside, my sister is in her 3rd trimester. SHOOOO, I decided not to expose her and her family with outside vibe sort of.

Alhamdulillah ada rezeki lebih dapat tidur dekat hotel after soooo long and also dapat naik belon. 

I guess, that's that for now.

See you soon blog!

Chipped In! - Part 1

Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Hye beautiful people of the world!

I was thinking of sharing my 1st dose of vaccination here so leggo!

I actually went through a lot just to get my first Astra Zeneca vaccine. A lot.. like a lot.. haha but this is something that I rather go through instead of.. you know.. bad things and getting infected and all that.

But before that, a little bit update on my life. I have been at home for 5 months? 6 maybe? and yup that's it. That is the only update I have. *sigh

By the way, back to my story of being chipped with bluetooth / touchngo / wifi or simply a vaccine, I registered for AZ on May because I was thinking that maybe I'll be back to Sg Buloh on July later. 

Alhamdulillah, I managed to secure an AZ appointment on July 13.

Tapi, MashaAllah, Allah has a better plan for all of us. With the rising of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia, there was no way that I can go back to college in the nearest time. 

But, of course I still want to get my vaccine maka bermulalah my journey of planning my way to Kuala Lumpur from Kedah during lockdown.

After discussing with my parents, we decided to book a flight ticket to KL and back to Kedah in one day. Unfortunately, there was no longer flight ticket available from Kedah to KL on the 13th and also the day before that. Hence, I had to book a ticket on the 11th.

However, I did managed to book an evening flight from KL to Kedah on the 13th. Tapi, nak dijadikan cerita, the flight from KL was rescheduled to 16th. ha ha ha. So, fikir punya fikir, I decided to hold the decision either I'm going back to Kedah on the 16th by flight or on the 13th by bus. 

Back to the storyline, from Subang airport, I took a Grab car to my sisters' and stayed there for 2 1/2 days. My sister stayed at Puchong so I went to sleep at her house and of course dapat jumpa my little niece, Adwa Husna whom I loveeeeeeee so much. It has been soooo long since we last met and she was so happy when I knocked on their door. We spent a really great time and I can totally imagine if Umi and Abah were there too. She will be hyped!

AH showing off her new items tapau from Umi๐Ÿ˜‚

On the 13th, I took another Grab car to WTCKL, Kuala Lumpur and I must admit that I was quite nervous. The fact that I went there alone was a big step of adulthood for me hehe.

The system at WTCKL was *chef kiss. 

Everything was very very organized and kudos to the team! I was quite surprised at how smooth and systematic the process were. It took me only about 30 minutes to get vaccinated meanwhile when my parents went for their vaccination at Kedah, the process took them around 3 hours. So, again, good job to PPV WTCKL *claps.

Ada buskers okay๐Ÿ™Œ

After I was done with the vaccination process at around 1-2 pm, I decided to go to Hentian Duta to check for any available bus.

Alhamdulillah, ada juga bas pukul 5 pm jadi tak perlu tunggu lama dekat stesen bas.

It has been so long since I went for a long road trip so the bus ride felt like forever haha. Again, Alhamdulillah I arrived at Shahab Alor Setar at 12 am and abah was already waiting for me for about 1 hour hehe.


I still remembered that during the whole time on the bus, I felt good. I mean, the side effects were not kicked in yet. However, once I get in the car, I immediately became so weak. I was shaking and Ya Allah, it was something that I wished I did not need to go through.

So, I am very very grateful that I felt no pain or discomforts on the bus. Ya Allah. His plan is always the best.

Me and abah arrived home at 1 am something and that night, I barely could sleep. I guessed my temperature was 39.0 - 40.0 degree Celsius. My fever was soaring up high and I felt pain at the injection side and my head felt like exploding haha. I was shaking and trembling and wuhh it was not good. I did not take any Paracetamol that night because my parents were sleeping so I did not want to wake them up. 

So, I only took PCM the next day and felt way better on the evening. By the way, as a precautious step since I'm back from red zone state, I did self quarantine for 4 1/2 days hehe at my own room. 

Mula-mula tu umi dan abah usya dari pintu je tapi they just couldn't bear seeing their daughter in pain so they straight ahead went into my room to look up for me, checked my temperature, feed me and took care of me. Ya Allah. I don't know how else I can pay for all their love and money and every single thing that they sacrificed for me and my siblings.

Day 3 after my jab, I felt a lot better. My fever had cooled down, no more feel-like-head-exploding but just a little tiny headache. 

On day 6, I already ate durian huhu. 

So, that is all for my first AZ vaccination experience.

I'm keeping this here so that I can tell my cucu cicit nanti and also because I want to urge anyone who is reading this post to register for your vaccination. This is one of our hope for a better future. 

Thank you to umi and abah for everything.
Thank you to kakak, abg man and adwa husna for the hospitality and Subway hehe.
Thank you to this one nice lady (I forgot to ask her name but she was an alumni of UiTM PALAM) for accompanying me from entering WTCKL until exiting WTCKL together. You're the best!

See you soon blog.

Bye bye❤

My 'GIGI' Life '5 & '6

Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Hye beautiful people of the world!

Wah wah lamanya on hiatus. Sebenarnya malas nak type tapi after months, finally dapat kekuatan dan kerajinan untuk update everything. Well, not really everything but I'll try, okay!

However, for this post, I will combine my dental school experience for both in semester 5 and 6 because of the COVID 19 which allow us to experience only a bit of semester 6.

Now, let's look at semester 5๐Ÿ‘€

Semester 5 ni ibarat satu titik peralihan yang besar untuk kitaorang sebab kita dah mula deal dengan patient yang sebenar selain dari kawan/partner kita sendiri. Some of us started to treat patient quit early meanwhile some of us were still on the road to finish the pre-clinical projects (including me of course).

It was so so so freaking hard to adjust ourself in the clinic for the first few months. Exhausted, tired, scared, tired again, the feeling of "bodohnya aku", no self-confidence and many more emotion that even I couldn't explain it. We kept on asking each other "macam mana nak buat e&d", "betul ke ni?", "agak-agak kena marah tak?", "alamak lupa indent barang", "kak dila (our beautiful staff nurse), boleh ke nak prophyl paste?", "kak asma (another beautiful staff nurse), yang mana satu handpiece saya?" and many many more questions.

It was quite a journey for us to finally adapt with the clinic's atmosphere.

Kalau tanya apa yang best bila dah masuk klinik ni, saya akan cakap pengalaman dapat belajar benda baru. Banyak gilaaa sampai satu tahap tu rasa macam "Wau, I'm so stupid, There's a lot more out there". Selain dari itu, satu lagi benda berharga adalah dapat jumpa pesakit dan kenal dengan diorang. Kita punya kenalan jadi luas dan buat kita jadi buka mata sebab setiap pesakit datang dengan alasan yang berbeza.

Jump in into semester 6, all that I can say is that we started to be more organized and eager to call in patients. There are numbers of requirement for us to complete in order to sit for exam and graduate. As we were getting comfortable (not really) with the schedules and everything, Corona decided to say hi to the world so the faculty made some amendment to the timetable in which we got our early semester break and expected to return to the faculty at the end of May. But Allah is the best planner after all. We are expected to return to the faculty much later but we do are having online classes almost everyday.

Now, let's take a sneak peek into the activities that we had throughout our small Year 3 journey.
(There's actually a lot more tapi tak ingat and I also don't remember the exact order of these activities so just enjoy okay!)

1. Farewel SMF!

Leadership checked gituu

2. Hello Clinic!

Out first cubicle but then we changed to another cubicle.

Our current cubicle.

Credit to Atin's new Iphone.

3. More pre-clinical and clinical projects.

In making of my first retainer for my partner.

GMGS classes are always so much fun!

Random gifts for my first pediatric patient. Gigih tau lukis, balut n ikat.

4. Exploring more experience in clinical and lab research.

All credits to my Group A eonni and Drs.

5. Dinner 2019

The theme was 'P. Ramlee era' so our performance was the "Aci aci buka pintu" and that will explain our attire dalam gambar dekat bawah nanti.
Had lots of bad memories for this dinner hahaha but i still appreciate all the hard works from our junior so good job guys. Hidup Xanthron! LOL.

Gigih tak gigih diy baju jembalang, baju burung hantu and props rumah yang end up tak pakai pun. LOL.

Xanthron's performers. Had a really really great time practicing with them.

Kecoh hahaha.

More kecoh.

My dinner ain't complete without them.

6. More Mobile Dental Clinic (MDC).

Kg Org Asli Sg Buloh

7. NDIVG 2020

Tak sempat habis all 4 day of NDIVG due to Covid 19.
Our cheerleader team are the best!. Legit the best hahaha



8. Dental Student's Scientific Symposium (DSSS) 2020

It is a must for every Year 3 students to be part of the committee and as for me, protocol lagi..

Orang perempuan memang kena posing macam ni eh?๐Ÿ’

With our awesome lecturers and staffs.

9. Fun Run!

One of my checklist is to to attend more fun run and other sports. Many more to come!

10. Gowning ceremony.

Denote our clinical journey. InsyaAllah may we all win together, Xanthrons!

I was so not ready for the camera ciss -..-

Team nak beli rumah dan kereta sendiri.

Credit to Colgate, our Drs, lecturers, staffs and Xanthrons!

Well I guess that's the end for this post!
Despite all the things that we are facing, always be grateful for what we have.

Terima kasih umi abah, adik-beradik, keluarga, cikgu, drs, pensyarah, staf akademik dan non akademik, kawan-kawan, crush dan Twice eh๐Ÿ˜Œ
Terima kasih Allah. Alhamdulillah.

See you soon blog (hopefully).

Bye bye❤

 Read the Journey!

Interview Dental Surgery UiTM
The Power of Doa
My 'GIGI' Life '1
My 'GIGI' Life '2

My 'GIGI' Life '3
My 'GIGI' Life '4

Being a big Girl

Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Hye beautiful people of the world!

Kemainkan tajuk kita huhu. Nah, actually this is a post where I'll be telling you my vacation with my friends ke REDANG ISLAND!

Honestly, I never thought that I will travel with my friends without my parents at this age because lemme tell you something, girl, Imma family person so maybe for some people out there, they might  think that I am old enough to do my things tapi as for me, family comes first. Ok dah.

So, we all actually dah planned this trip since semester 1 lagi but we thought like it will be perfect to go on vacation after professional exam and so we did. I will give all the credits to these 2 person, Amni and Atin for planning, organizing, and managing this trip.

At first, there were 8 of us but somehow unfortunate event happened to Amni and she could not joined us to Redang Island jadilah 7 of us only. So, as for geng Kedah, we went to Kelantan by bus and it was a longgggggg (read: longggg) 9 hours journey to Kelantan. Almost 10 hours if I'm  not mistaken and another friend of us went by airplane to Kelantan.

And so we were all reunited at Pasir Puteh and drove to Penarik Setiu Homestay, Terengganu. Both car and homestay were actually one of our friend punya which is Atin. So, we basically saved a lot because we paid for gas and cleaning service only. Yehaa!

We arrived at the homestay quite late because of the longggg bus journey tapi Alhamdulillah yang penting sampai destinasi. We were too tired to do anything so we straight away went to sleep that night.

Morning view from our homestay:)

So, the next morning was the most exciting day throughout the trips because we went to Redang Island!

Google (baru sedar yang I tak ambil gambar pemandangan pun tsk)

Girl, Redang Islang was fantastic. *rainbow

Oh by the way, we went there by boat from Penarik Setiu Jetty.  It took us around 35-40 minutes from the jetty to the island and we were actually using Atin's uncle services.

The Jetty

And so we went to 6 checkpoints and ya Allah cantiknyaaa!

After the Redang Island trip, we had BBQ that night and gained some more weight tsk.

The next day, we were playing tourist dekat Terengganu and went to few popular places there.

We then drove back to Kelantan and stayed a night dekat rumah Amni. Then the next day we went to Kelantan's most popular places and discovered their delish foods!

Kopitiam Kita

So, that's that for now! I had a really great time there. Alhamdulillah.

Bye bye❤

My 'GIGI' Life '4

Assalamualaikum and Hello❤

Hye beautiful people of the world!

Wau, lamanya tak update. Bukannya malas tapi I don't even know what else to write. Whatever it is, I'm back with the My 'GIGI' Life version 4. Alhamdulillah I'm done and pass my pre-clinical years and InsyaAllah will be entering semester 5 soon.

Professional exam was indeed a challenge for us but Alhamdulillah, we did it and yeah. So, my overall view throughout semester 4 was hmm how do I put this into word? Stress I guess but I did had lots of fun too.

Life changing decisison hehe

Now, let's hop on the bike and reminiscing good old memories from semester 4.


For this semester, we have to finish up the last 2 modules;

1. Genito-urinary System
2. Central Nervous Sytem

and also

1. Mandarin
2. ELC

and we also dah start to enter the clinic and practices with our own partner. 

You know the transition from treating the dummy to real human being is way harder and stressing. CHAOS gila waktu tu. hahaha belari sana sini dalam clinic:) You'll get that 'RESPONSIBILITY's feelings'  to make sure that your patient is alright, the treatments are alright, the patient feel comfortable and this and that. Hmm, takut sebenarnya tapi by hook by crook, we gotta finish this!

For preclinical projects, we mainly have to finish all the projects before entering clinic. For me, I still need to finish my Root Canal Teatment on molar and also Prosthodontics lab skills. Some of my friends dah siap tapi I lah yang terkumat-kamit lagi. Well I'm in the process of learning so it does take times.


Moving on, the routine basically is the same. Nothing much change really.

The Activities

For this sem, I had lots of activities sampai some of it tak ingat pun:)

1. But I will say that the peak or the most memorable scene of semester 4 was when we joined the Dental Student Symposium 2019 in table clinic competition held by our university. So, my previous B Ranggi Group along with Department of Paeds and Ortho had invented this vending machine for educational purpose on how junk foods may affect the dental caries development and guess what?! WE WON THE 3rd PLACE! Alhamdulillah, I'M SOOO PROUD TAU!

and few months after that, we also participated in IIDENTEX 2019 held at Melaka and again we won the bronze awards! Alhamdulillah. Thank you to all group B for the hard works and our dearest Dr Rohaida and Dr Syed❤

Playing tourist. Thanks Ali!

2. Food For Charity (FFC)

FFC was part of SMFPG's activity and it was held at Pusat Gelandangan Jalan Tuanku, Kuala Lumpur and together with KASEH4U, we provided foods and needs for them. Thank you KASEH4U for having us! Great experience!

3. Neon Fun Run 2019

Another SMFPG's activity was this fun run yang sangat fuhh challenging hahaha. Memang another level of experience foR this one. Still, good job my SMFPG' family for the successful events and tears and sweats.

Ketibas jugaklah after the event ends๐Ÿ˜‚

4. Buddies Day Out 2019

So, basically this event was like Amazing Race where we have to complete the task given around Kuala Lumpur (read:Pasar Seni) along with our own buddies. It was super fun and tiring hahaha but for the first time in my life, I get to explore the heart of Kuala Lumpur. Nais beb!

5. Mural Paint

Tak pernah-pernah terlibat dengan benda-benda melukis but somehow I end up with this paint mural team along with seniors:)

Mural paint at our own faculty (Rest Lounge)

Mural paint at SK Sungai Buloh

6. Iftar and Raya!

No pictures because I have no idea mana gambar tu semua pergi-..-

Macam biasalah, banyak lagi sebenarnya tapi tak ingat.

Oh! di kesempatan ini jugalah, I would like to thanks all of my BMS Lecturers for working so HARD to help us pass the Professional exam. May Allah bless all of you and grant you Jannah. Thank you and Thank you❤

Not to mention, My Syurga; Umi and Abah for everything❤❤

With that, I will end my preclinical stories with

Chipped In! - Part 2

 Assalamualaikum and Hello❤ Hye beautiful people of the world! Alhamdullillah, cukup 14 hari selepas dos vaksin saya yang kedua! DAN YANG PA...

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