Hye beautiful people of the world!
Yayy! Finally i have something to post about.
So, macam yang saya pernah post sebelum ni regarding my very first dinner here, it was finally our turn to organise a dinner. I think for certain faculty, annual dinner is something yang chill, relaxing, and that's that. However, for us, annual grand dinner is like a MAJOR thing. Like benda yang sangat grand dan besar so we did had hard times and of course there were like so many obstacles and things that came across us. However, Alhamdulillah, we finally made it and I personally think we did quite a great job!
So,this post is going to be a special edition of behind the scene of our dinner organised by the Xanthrons!
So, now, let's rewind back..
We started our very first meeting during end of 1st semester kot. I can't really remember but for the first meeting, we decided who's going to be the director, the advisor the committee and etc.
And so, each committee started to do their own works and as for me, I was in the protocol team Yay! *hahahawhydidieverchooseprotocol. Precisely, I was the person in charge to prepare all the scripts termasuklah script emcee, speech director, speech vvip etc. *i'msoproudofme❤
So, as time passed by, we finally reached the D-Day. More works to do, more things to be done, more serabutness in our head, more eyebag, of course! We were all literally had soo many problems and somehow, me managed to go through every each of it. Alhamdulillah.
By the way, our theme for the dinner was LA LA LAND!. Menarik kan? You must be like what is that and how did we applied the theme for the dinner? Well, basically La La Land is a musical movie starring Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling.
So our theme was basically macam bold, colourful, and musical like that lah. We actually had a really hard times to choose the theme because sebelum La La Land , kita punya theme was Starry Night but due to some problems, we decided to change it. So, after arguments, opinions and brainstorming, we end up with the theme La La Land : City of Stars. Alhamdulillah. settle satu benda.
Kita rehearsal for 3 times and for rehearsal kali pertama hanya melibatkan my batch.
Barai jugalah haha because after 8am-4pm class, solat then continued with the rehearsal. That PENGORBANAN tho.
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Xanthrons La La Dance |
Day before D-Day
Moving on to the day before the D-Day, once again, gedebush gedebash ujian yang datang. Allah, sampai sekarang terngiang-ngiang suasana waktu tu. We had like unexpected problems which I'm not going to tell in details but one of it is that we were supposed to have our full rehearsal but due to some miscommunications and problems here and there, hanya rehearsal persembahan from every batch ja yang terjadi. We literally did not do the full rehearsal sampailah D-Day. Awesome kan:)
Moving on to the day before the D-Day, once again, gedebush gedebash ujian yang datang. Allah, sampai sekarang terngiang-ngiang suasana waktu tu. We had like unexpected problems which I'm not going to tell in details but one of it is that we were supposed to have our full rehearsal but due to some miscommunications and problems here and there, hanya rehearsal persembahan from every batch ja yang terjadi. We literally did not do the full rehearsal sampailah D-Day. Awesome kan:)
Ikut tentatif, dinner start pukul 8 malam, but guess what? Pukul 1 petang, we were still dekat dewan fac untuk final rehearsal which involved only the protocol, multech and hadiah. That moment was totally mind blown like whatt? hahaha but it was a nice experience jugaklah sebab kerja last minute. Waktu tu, kami macam okay, kita redha, may Allah ease everything.
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Lakonan as if they were the vvip😆 |
By the way, the reason we went to Royale Palace agak lambat adalah sebab before our event, ada kenduri dekat tempat tu. So, we basically started to hias the dewan from 4.45 pm to 6 something ish pm. Dasyat tak dasyat haa. Tapi Alhamdulillah, the dewan itself dah cantik sangat sangat dan with the powerful teamwork from batchmates, we managed to hias the dewan beautifully.
and so, enjoy some pics of the Royale Palace, Shah Alam after the hustle bustle.
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Colourful goodies bag ft thank you cards |
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Custom made piano tiles from the deco team! |
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VVIP's table |
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Custom made photobooth 1 |
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Custom made photobooth 2 |
Yes honey, we did all these in that small amount of time.
Big thanks to the Royale Palace's staffs for doing their jobs amazingly laju sangat-sangat.
Now, let's move on to the event.
Alhamdulillah, everything went well although the event was delayed for 47 minutes due to a problem.
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Performance by year 1 |
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Registration counter |
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Lucky draw counter |
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Performance by year 2 |
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My fav emcee |
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Performance by year 4 |
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Performance by year 3 |
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Performance by year 5 |
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Protocol team! |
and of course, mana boleh lupa our annual Dua Lipa pose
So here, I would like to say Thank You to all my batchmates, the HEP department and faculty for working really hard to make this a possible one .
Thank you to Royale Palace Shah Alam for the scrumptious buffet and beautiful hall.
Thank you to everyone who came and celebrate the dinner with us
and I do hope that this year's dinner will be the best one for you.
Forgive us for any inconvenience and we hope you have a La La Land Day!
ps: Doakan we will pass our Professional Examination with flying colours:)